Cetacean study

Fin Whale Project

This is a scientific study on the fin whale developed by the EDMAKTUB Association to deepen our knowledge of the species Balaenoptera physalus, as well as the conditions and reasons that favour its presence in the springtime on the Garraf coast and, in general, on the Catalan coast.

More information about the Fin Whale Project

EDMAKTUB Association

We are a non-profit organisation based in Barcelona. We are dedicated to the scientific study and dissemination of the aquatic environment, especially cetacean research. Our main objective is to deepen the knowledge of the sea and marine fauna in order to preserve its richness and biodiversity.


We carry out our own research as well as collaborations with other institutions and research groups.


We promote knowledge through lectures, conferences, training programmes and information material.


We share the results of our work, not only in scientific community, but also among the general public.

Research vessel:

The Association’s main research platform is the MAKTUB, a 14,15 meter sailing catamaran with a capacity for 12 crew members. Its home base is the Club Nàutic Vilanova.

The MAKTUB is a vessel equipped with modern instruments, computer equipment and everything necessary to carry out field research on cetaceans.

More information about the association

Help us to study and conserve cetaceans!

Help us to study and conserve cetaceans!

Help us to study and conserve cetaceans!

Help us to study and conserve cetaceans!

Help us to study and conserve cetaceans!

Your collaboration is essential to ensure that we continue our research and conservation work in the future.


We are looking for volunteers to help us develop our work in the scientific field as well as in other tasks related to education and outreach of the projects we are carrying out.

More information

Research Day

You will experience our work on board the research catamaran, Maktub, and learn the field techniques for the study of cetaceans for one day. Enjoying the sailing and sightings.

More information

Reserach Assistant Course

You can gain experience as a researcher in the marine field. Participating in scientific expeditions and learning the cetacean study techniques for one week.

More information

Donation or Sponsorship

You can help us to continue our work in the study and conservation of cetaceans both in the Mediterranean Sea and in other areas of the Atlantic. We accept both finantial contributions and professional collaborations that help us to support the activities of the Association.

You can also help us by buying our merchandising items!

Report a

If you see whales or other cetaceans off the Catalan coast, please write an email to or send a WhatsApp or SMS to (+34) 655 879 180 with the coordinates of the sighting, the number of individuals and, if possible, a photo or video to include it in our database.

This will help us to monitor and protect these species.

Current News

Publications and works

A Novel Technique for Photo-Identification of the Fin Whale, Balaenoptera physalus, as Determined by Drone Aerial Images

A scientific article published in 2023 in the Drones journal.

Results of the study of the fin whale on its route around the Iberian Peninsula

Report 2023

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