Adopt Epta
About Epta
Code: Bp_001
Sex: male
First sighting: 10 September 2011
Total number of sightings: 7
The name Epta comes from the Greek number seven, which refers to the pigmentation pattern in the shape of a 7 on its head.
It is an animal with a triangular fin and two very characteristic markings; one at the tip of the fin and the other at the base.

A bit of his history
Epta was one of the first fin whales sighted by the scientific team of the EDMAKTUB association before the start of the Fin Whale Project. Since then it has been sighted in three seasons of the project, all of them more than once. This makes it one of the most sighted animals throughout the seasons of the project.
Adopt him
When you adopt it, we will send you an adoption certificate together with the individual’s file.
During the adoption period you will be notified of new sightings of the individual and you will be sent the annual report with the main results and highlights of the project.